This article allows you to understand how to download the QR codes for the Product Passports.
Note: We recommend using a desktop computer for the steps in this guide.
Step 1: In Empower Platform, go to your product passport overview page, and click "View details" on the Product Passport you want to download the QR codes for.
Step 2: Click "Download QR codes". This would automatically start the download of a compressed file (zip file) to your computer. In some cases, you will be asked where to save the file.
Step 3: Open the downloaded file.
Note: On a Mac computer with a Google Chrome browser it typically looks like the screen below. In this case, we click the options button, and choose "Show in Finder".
Step 4: You now see the downloaded zip file containing the QR codes on your computer.
On a Mac computer, you double-click the file, which will create a new folder and show the containing QR-code image files (see next step). Please look at this wiki guide on how to do this on other operating systems (Empower is not responsible for content on external sites).
Step 5 - final image files of the QR codes:
You now have the final image files with the QR codes, ready to be used.